In the age of selfies, Instagram, Snapchat, and the hundreds of other forms of social networking nowadays, the desire to look and feel good is imperative to the younger generation. Botox is taking over the selfie generation as a must have, new high end product because of its ability to smooth away lines, improve texture, and add a youthful glow to the skin.
Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist Corina Corbeille is trained and knowledgeable in all things Botox. She personally performs all Botox injections during her customized appointments, creating tailored results to your specific facial anatomy. What Is Botox? Botox helps to blocks nerve signals to the specific facial muscles responsible for forming lines and wrinkles in the skin. By relaxing these muscles, wrinkles are smoothed away like a great Instagram filter. When injected artistically you’ll still be able to express your beautiful self, except without the lines and creases. Prevention is Easier Than Reversal Millennials are very savvy about preventative aging. Getting a jump start on the aging process before it has a chance to get any worse, is the wave of the future. Facelifts can be expensive and require a lengthy recovery period. In addition, a surgical facelift doesn't always provide a natural look. Millennials are thinking smarter, not harder, and thinking ahead to their future look by preventing the early signs of aging with Botox. Early signs of aging are much easier to reverse than wrinkles etched in the skin over a longer period of time. A Fresh Start Botox offers a great way to restore a youthful glow to the skin immediately. A treatment can be completed in as little as 15-20 minutes, side effects minimal and returning to a busy schedule immediately after is no problem at all. Why Choose Corina Corbeille, RN, CANS? Corina, RN, CANS being results driven, aims to provide her patients with an exceptional experience in a professional setting with safety, comfort, & education being of utmost importance.
AuthorCorina, RN, CANS is Board Certified and trained in several types of cosmetic procedures. She is a true artist creating natural looking results!