In 2010, Botox was FDA approved for chronic migraines and many patients are reporting success with treatment! Chronic migraines are defined by more then 15 headaches per month. These types of migraine patients are the best candidates for Botox injections. When Botox is used in small doses in specific areas, it temporarily reduces muscle contractions. Botox works for migraine headaches because it blocks chemicals called neurotransmitters, acting as a road block before the pain signals are carried from your brain to your head and neck.
Botox prevents migraine headaches before they start and each treatment lasts approximately 10-12 weeks. Patient results vary, but usually a 50% reduction in headache days per month are reported. If you experience headaches around the eyes, forehead, or between your eyebrows, you will also see the cosmetic benefit of wrinkle reduction from Botox injections, which lasts approximately 3-4 months. For patients who suffer from chronic migraines, the pain can be unbearable and debilitating. Botox can be a simple treatment and can give you a higher probability of living daily life without interruption!
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AuthorCorina, RN, CANS is Board Certified and trained in several types of cosmetic procedures. She is a true artist creating natural looking results!